300 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training
Online 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Take your teaching to the next level. You have already established a foundation, now go where you are not, transcend where you are. This course is designed for intermediate and advanced practitioners. It will help take your teaching to a more powerful and in-depth level. Open greater opportunities for your teaching as well as deepen your understanding and practice of Yoga as a way of life. Our trainings are considered by many as the most comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training in the world.
During these times of a huge shift in how humanity functions, yoga as a personal practice is keeping and bringing humans to their true essence and wholeness, prepared to be fully adaptable. Sattva Yoga Academy graduates and teachers spread all over the globe are community leaders in their locations, leading from love and compassion in their respective fields.
Curriculum for 300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training
.- Advanced Hatha Asanas, Kundalini and Tantra Kriyas
- How to blend and work with 7 distinct styles of Yoga (7 Sattva Aspects) and merge them into one organic whole.
- How to use the techniques for healing and transformation of body, mind, and spirit
- In-depth look at the relationship of the 5 layers of the body and the effect of the techniques on each
- Purpose, benefits, contra-indications of all techniques and how to use to practice for the ultimate aim of Yoga
- Learn to class sequences (practice teaching mixed level classes and advanced classes
- Dive deep into advanced mantra practice
- Learn how to incorporate Naad in the classes to give a deeper experience to your students
- The Sattva Yoga © teaching method
The 5 principles of teaching and 7 Aspects (7 distinct yogic traditions and their techniques)
- Adjustments and assists
- The art of sequencing, energetics of assists and vinyasa krama
- Ethics of teaching yoga, including the types of teachers and students
- Teaching Advanced Kundalini and Sattva Tantra Kriyas.
- Studying the transformative effects of the practices
- Learning how to blend the techniques together with Vinyasa Krama
- Expanding the range of your classes through incorporating different techniques and making the teaching have huge expanse
Advanced philosophy a deeper understanding of:
- Sutras
- Bhagavad Gita
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika
- Tantras and Agamas
- Upanishads
- Class observation
- Focus on adjustment
- Sequencing
- Theme
- Music
- Classes that you teach in a small group setting to hone your skills
- Student teaching
- Observing and assisting in classes taught by others
- Oral presentation skills
Satsang combines many of the subjects of the course topics include:
- Chanting, meditation, japa and mantra, nada yoga and music, community, diet, nutrition, Vedanta
- Philosophy and practical skills for conducting satsang
Questions/Answered as part of satsang
- Advanced principles and theory of pranayama
- Practical training in samavritti and visamavritti pranayama
- Teaching methods
- Conscious Journaling
- Contemplative questions will be assigned to enhance the student’s growth.

Pre-Recorded Videos
Pre-recorded videos will be uploaded weekly for more than 6 weeks of the course, approximately 6 hours of class content daily.
Q & A Session
Weekly live Q&A sessions with Master Yogi Anand Ji and Sattva Master Teachers
Group Practice
Weekly live group practice teaching sessions with Sattva mentors
When all course requirements are met, your certificate of completion from Sattva Yoga Academy will enable you to register with Yoga Alliance USA as a 300 hour RYT.
Course Content
The content will be available on the platform until 31st of Dec 2023
Course Schedule
Plan your schedule of 5-6 hours per day, based on the situation of your life,
What You'll Receive in 300 hour Sattva Online YTT Course
- Opening Ceremony with Havan – A Sacred Ceremony
- Access to timeless Yog-Vedantic wisdom, straight from the source in the Himalayas.
- Learn more about the transformative yoga practices of Sattva Yoga, an integrated approach.
- Course content and pre-recorded Training Sessions will be added to the online platform for more than 6 weeks at the rate of 5-6 hours per day.
- Weekly Live Q&A
- Continuing expansion within the Sattva Yoga teachings
- Enlivened Worldwide Sangha with a Vibrant Community
- Access the weekly online Mentor Groups based on your time zone
- Manuals to support all the 300 hour YTT topics including Supreme Wisdom, Meditation, Energetic Body Studies, Asanas, Mantra, Kriyas, Pranayama.
- Puja Booklet
- This training is certified by the Yoga Alliance. After completion of this course, you will be awarded a 300 hour RYT certificate from Sattva Yoga Academy to enable you to apply to Yoga Alliance.
- All live Q&A sessions are recorded and uploaded to the online platform. Listen and re-listen to all lessons.
- Sattva Yoga 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh class sessions on Meditation, Raja Yoga, Mantra, Chanting, Sacred Rituals, Pranayama, Breathwork, Kriya Yoga, Mudras, Tantra, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Laya, Sound Healing, and much more, all stemming from the Yog-Vedantic Tradition.
- Small Group Practice Teaching sessions to accommodate your time zone with mentorship by Sattva Yoga Academy Master Teachers
- Hatha, Kriya, Pranayama, Mantra breakdowns led by Sattva Master Teachers
Opportunities on Completion of 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training
Completing an online 300 hour teacher training program can lead to several outcomes, including:
- The Sattva 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training program will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of yoga, including history, philosophy, and technology. The training will also cover advanced techniques and poses that can enhance your practice.
- The Sattva 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training program offers recorded video sessions and live Q&A sessions, allowing you to learn from Master Yogi Anand Mehrotra and experienced Sattva Master Teachers. You'll develop the ability to sequence classes that are effective.
- Completing the Sattva Yoga Academy online 300 hour YTT program will provide you with the skills and credentials needed to take your career to the next level.
- Many people find that Sattva Yoga Teacher Training programs offer a transformative experience that leads to personal growth and self-discovery. Through the Sattva integrated practice of meditation, asana, kriya, pranayama, mantra, sacred ritual and more, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

For Level 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training, a 200 hour Yoga certificate from Sattva Yoga Academy or any other Yoga Alliance approved yoga school is required.
Membership on Sattva Connect is required for this course. Please contact info@sattvayogaacademy.com for further information on membership.
Complimentary ten-day stay at Sattva Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, India, within one year. Come have the Sattva experience for you to practice teach live, sit in on live experiences, live teachings. Plus discounted room rates after the ten days.
US $350 required to hold your spot.
300 hour YTT Course in Rishikesh
Sattva Yoga Academy offers a comprehensive 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training program that is designed to deepen your understanding and practice of yoga.
The program is conducted in a peaceful and serene environment, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Himalayas. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in yoga practice.