Journey To The Foothills Of The Himalayas: Experience Sattva Yoga Academy's Life-Changing Retreats

16 February, 2023

Sattva Yoga Academy offers a variety of yoga retreats throughout the year. These retreats are typically held in the beautiful natural surroundings of Rishikesh, India, and are designed to provide an immersive and transformative experience for the participants.



The retreats may focus on various aspects of yoga, such as asana, meditation, pranayama, philosophy and are led by Master Yogi Anand Mehrotra, founder of Sattva Yoga, and experienced and qualified teachers who follow the Sattva Yoga philosophy. The topics of recent retreats at Sattva Yoga Academy have included The Art of Relating, The Alchemy of Life, Enlivening the Spirit, Teachings of the Himalayan Yogis for Full Value Living, Embodying Dharma, Chandogya Upanishad, Silent Dharma Retreat, and the Awakening Shiva Immersion Retreat. 

The retreats typically include daily yoga classes, meditation sessions, pranayama practices, as well as group discussions and workshops. In addition, the participants have opportunities to explore the local culture and natural beauty of Rishikesh at the campus in the Shivalik Mountains, the foothills of the Himalayas. The environment is very nourishing for the body and spirit. 

Attendees can be well established in their yoga practice or just beginning a yoga practice. Either way, they will find great benefit in joining a retreat at Sattva Yoga Academy. The only requirement for attending a retreat is a vital interest in growing and evolving. The pure wisdom that is given is relevant today even though it is founded in the ancient teachings of the Himalayan Yogic Tradition. 

Participants come from around the world to learn, to grow and evolve through the retreats that invite them to embrace the ancient and timeless teachings of the Himalayan yogic tradition. Transformative experiences happen in both small and big ways. 

You can visit the Sattva Yoga Academy website to learn more about their upcoming retreats and to register for them.