Daily Seva in Action

27 May, 2021

Daily Seva in action

There is so much activity at Sattva! Every day brings new opportunities for giving to those in need, gifts from the heart being given so freely.

The oxygen concentrators purchased through your donations have arrived here at Sattva and are now being distributed to nearby hospitals and clinics in need.

Every day Anand Ji and Sattva people continue to go to villages delivering food and medicines. Some food deliveries even take place right at the Sattva Retreat gates! Rain or shine, the service to fulfill the need of the hour continues and will continue in the weeks and months ahead.

Thank you again, Sangha. Thank you for continuing to rise up, serve and organize around love.

Be sure to check our social media for more updates in videos and pictures. We will continue to post Sattva’s Seva activities. Look for Sattva Yoga Academy on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you for all that you contribute.